Community Service Foundation (CSF) Services
Welcome to CSF! For over 40 years, CSF has served youth and families. Restorative practices are at the core of our services, helping youth understand the impact of their behavior on themselves and others and take responsibility for their actions.
We help youth find the internal motivation to make less destructive choices and restore meaningful connections with their families and communities. Youth learn the social and emotional skills needed to become positive, productive members of society.
We look forward to working with you and your family and helping you achieve your goals.
Foster Care
- Reflecting our commitment to the fundamental philosophies of Restorative Practices, Fair Process and Trauma Informed Care, CSF Foster Care aspires to enhance the quality of life, improve familial relationships, ensure safety, and promote a greater sense of self-worth within a client centered, trauma sensitive family construct.
- CSF Foster Care is very deliberate in fine tuning programming to meet the needs of all the youth we serve. With that, we see the best outcomes when the youth are involved in all programs necessary to meet their needs and provide continuity of care; this includes a youth’s referral and participation with READY Day Treatment, IP drug and alcohol services, and outpatient mental health, in addition to foster care placement, as deemed appropriate. With this model, we are able to coordinate services, communicate, and work as a team across all environments, providing optimal support to both the youth and family. This team approach is not only vital as part of placement programming but also assists with the youth’s success and transition upon discharge, as many of these services can remain intact well beyond the youth’s time in Foster Care.
READY – Restore, Empower and Develop Youth
- Students receive daily group counseling, life skills and individual attention
- Our experienced counseling staff support change through the power of building strong relationships

Community Based Services
Conferencing Services
- Family Group Decision Making (FGDM) brings together family and friends to support and help parents and caregivers develop a plan for the future of their family
- A Restorative Conference is a process where people deal with wrongdoing and conflict and have an opportunity to have a say in the outcome
- Family Finding, Crisis Rapid Response and Family Team Meeting are new conferencing services to increase family engagement
Community Based Aggression Replacement Training®
- Evidence-based program focuses on teaching social skills, anger management and moral reasoning
- Learn and practice interpersonal skills, manage emotions effectively, improve communications and decision-making
- Meets one hour during the week and two hours on Saturday, with transportation provided
Restorative Reporting Centers (RRC)
- Highly structured 20-week program, six days per week
- Helps youth improve in social and interpersonal skills, academic performance and responsibility
- Provides meaningful community service experiences
- Weekly family nights support parents to help sustain changes
Intensive Program (IP)
- Licensed outpatient drug and alcohol treatment
- Individual and family counseling (in the client’s home)
- Drug and alcohol group counseling at one of our facilities (transportation can be provided)
- Drug testing and community service in compliance with court expectations
Home & Community Supervision (HCS)
- In-home individual counseling sessions foster self-awareness, self-control and responsibility
- Family sessions build a network of support for success and positive growth
- Keeps families in tact by preventing or easing transition from placement
Citizenship and Social Responsibility Weekend Program (CSR)
- CSR weekend program holds youth accountable while offering learning and change opportunities
- 21st Century skill building activities throughout the weekend on a rotating schedule
- 12 hours per weekend. 8 hours Saturday. 4 hours Sunday.
- Transportation provided if needed
- Parents are invited to participate in closing circle and lunch on Sunday