Special Education
Buxmont Academy is licensed by the state of Pennsylvania to work with Special Education students in grades 7 through 12 and is approved as an out-of-state private school for the state of New Jersey. Each Buxmont Academy campus employs a Pennsylvania certified Special Education teacher who works under the supervision of our Special Education Supervisor.
Our schools have small class sizes, differentiated instruction and one-to-one tutoring. Special Education teachers utilize IEP Writer to create compliant IEPs that are reviewed regularly. At Buxmont Academy, we provide Itinerant and Supplemental Special Education supports in the areas of emotional, gifted, and learning.
For more information, contact Robin Alozie, Supervisor of Special Education (Email |Phone: 267-356-1544).

Transition Services
We offer transition services for all our students. These services include but are not limited to:
- Enrollment in Life Skills/Career Education class, which focuses on living arrangements after high school, shopping, cooking, budgeting, purchasing necessities, recreation and leisure activities, and career opportunities
- Development of self-advocacy skills
- Administration of interest inventories and vocational assessments
- Information to families about the Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) to promote student success
- Goal-setting for social, emotional and behavioral skills through the use of restorative practices
- Opportunities to research and visit colleges and trade schools
- Assistance in completing employment applications
- Practice of interviewing skills and writing resumes
- Administration of academic assessments to align with goals to improve areas of need
“Our Buxmont IEP meeting was the best we have ever had. Hearing that he now participates in class, asks questions, and is focused on doing his work has made me feel optimistic about him graduating this year.”
Parent Testimonial